Setting Your Personal Goals in Business
Setting your personal goals should be something you do in both your personal life and in business.
Back in 2015, we lost my last remaining grandparent and as always, family from all over the UK got together for the funeral. While we were there, fathers, brothers and cousins all decided that we can do better! From then, we’ve tried to meet up once a year for a weekend of golf and celebration. However, far more importantly, we just catch up outside of these key life events.

It’s now seven years later and golf for me is a great passion where I have set some key personal goals. I set these three years ago and they drive me to do better. Personal goals have to realistic and achievable in order for you to be able meet them, make new ones and continue grow.
What Were My Golfing Personal Goals?
I set myself two key goals to see if I could improve:
- The first was to drop a stroke from my handicap every year. I started in 2015 at 20 and am now at 12.8.
- My second goal was to play at my home course as a single figure handicapper. I managed 2 or three games during the summer season playing off 9.
My next goal is to get back to a single handicap player for most of the next summer season!
Setting Goals in Business
This is the same in business. Set realistic, short term goals. Meet these goals and make new goals that take your business to a longer term strategic goal.
For my company, my main goals were always simple but never really focused. In fact, they were really quite generic:
- always deliver
- to get better at what I do by continuing to learn
- make new and meaningful connections
This approach has kept our business running successfully but the question was always, “can we do better?”.
With the government pushing hard and changing tax laws (IR35), at Laurel icon Ltd, I started to plan new personal business goals. I began by changing our business model from contracting to supplier. This introduced a discussion with one of our clients and some long standing colleagues around how project management in the contract market could better utilise Time Management. From these discussions Laurel icon Ltd has been able to grow and help the client save on project costs.
My next goal was to expand my company, which was much easier once the initial goal was achieved.
We have now doubled in size and the team are currently over 75% through their first year long IT deployment programme.
If you would like to hear more about working with Laurel icon Ltd and how we can work with you, please read our post “Triple Constraint“. if you like to speak to us you can email us at or click “Contact Us” and complete the form.